Top 20 NuGet calendar Packages

"Noda Time is a date and time API acting as an alternative to the built-in DateTime/DateTimeOffset etc types built into the .NET framework." ** This is a repackage of the third party NodaTime project for use with ThinkGeo's Map Suite product line. ** ** You should not need to reference this packag...
Wondrous Noda Time extends the Noda Time date API with features specific to the Wondrous (Badí') calendar.
Badi Noda Time extends the Noda Time date API with features specific to the Badíʿ (Wondrous) calendar.
A library for Mayan/Gregorian calendar conversions
A lightweight library of structs for representing and manipulating time periods such as hours, days, months, quarters
Customized calendar plugin for Xamarin.Forms
A Xamarin binding for CalendarView by Kizito Nwose
Web Library for using Star Calendar Forms
DateTimePicker extension for Feliz.Bulma
A library for .Net that makes creating, managing, and working with recurrences easy
A fancy and small calendar and date-time picker
Customizable Calendar for Xamarin.Forms.
Simple and Powerful WPF Persian DateTimePicker and Calendar
A Xamarin.Form control for creating a calendar.
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view ,This assembly works for iOS 9.3 and later
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view ,This assembly works for Android