Top 20 NuGet calculator Packages

Package Description
MathAnalytics is a collection of extensions methods to make easy a lot of statistical calculations.
Test NuGet for source linking.
Calcex is a basic parser and evaluator for mathematical expressions built on .NET Core.
Dummy Test
A project that converts at runtime user defined expressions into computable expressions.
Package Description
Calculte estimated BTUs for you residential homes with simple SDK provided by ViviScape
Sample calculator
An extremely useful tool for predicting Durin's Day
Trivial Ast
És una calculadora simple, no conté funcions avançades.
calculadora practica nugget
Set of Bessel's functions for Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries suite
Package description
A parser that uses the Reverse Polish Notation and the Shunting-Yard algorithm to transform a simple mathematical expression into a computed numerical value. Useful for simple calculator projects.
This package includes Sum, Subtraction, Multiplication and Divide.
Calculates Entropy of a message based on Shannon's Entropy.
C# Wrapper to help generate SVG Panels with various SVG Objects as children. To be used in Web Applications in any View/Web Form anywhere an HTMLString object can be used to output HTML Content. Eases association of custom javascript to be applied to any object chosen.
Simple Calculator Library