Top 20 NuGet cake Packages

OWASP Dependency-Check is a utility that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Helm
Cake build addin for integration with Jira.
Cake addin for working with Handlebars templates
WindowsAppStore Addin for Cake Build Automation System.
Cake Addin to generate changelog file depends on git log.
Cake addin that provides Homebrew aliases
Cake Build addin for check the dependencies of a project.
This addin for Cake allows you to lint Markdown files using markdownlint.
Warrior Plugins Cake Aliases
Cake add in that extends Cake with support for TravisCI.
A set of aliases for Cake to help with checking security of packages with OssIndex.
Unity3D build support for Cake -
My package description.
Cake MkDocs AddIn.
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Electron.NET