Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Package Description
Free TON Client for .NET
A C# .NET Class Library containing an IConfigurationSource for Yaml files.
A collection of C# code.
Delta Extension for .NET for Apache Spark
Azure Synapse Analytics Extension for .NET for Apache Spark
DotNet Interactive Extension for .NET for Apache Spark
Mono C# Compiler
Note: This package is deprecated. Please use Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset instead CoreCLR-compatible versions of the C# and VB compilers for use in MSBuild. More details at This package was built from the source at
GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Windows Phone configuration, providing the flexibility to quickly swap configuration sources from local file-based settings to anywhere you desire (e.g. remote SQL Server storage, WCF XML service, RESTful JSON service, custom, etc.).
Easily validate all public method arguments are not null
This project contains the Nohros security framework. Which is a port of the JAAS for the .NET. This module contains the web related functionality.
This library provides a set of F# workflows to make it easier for you to capture and log exceptions and slow execution times to Sentry.
Generates a C# proxy for communicating to a RESTful Web Api that implements the WebApiProxy provider
The Swiss army knife, or pragmatic ninja toolbelt, for dotnet core helpers. Pure 100% managed C# code, with as little dependencies as possible.
QUnit installation into Bridge.NET projects.
QUnit Sample installation into Bridge.NET projects.
Collection extensions to Bridge.NET projects, including BitArray, HashSet, Queue and Stack.
It support most of the features of Telegram Bot API including : Get Bot information Read received messages Send text message Forward message Replay message Send location Send & receive sticker Send & receive photo Send & receive video Send...
Colorizes C#/VB code, including code fragments