Top 20 NuGet csv Packages

Package Description
Model attribute support for excel, csv reader
Package Description
CSV File Parser for C-DEngine
This package is used to convert csv file or stream to datatable/object(IEnumerable), support reverse convert , support csv with or without header, do not support type with complex type property.
Different helper methods I use for all my personal projects as Csv import/export, Json export, background execution, fluent locking, etc
FSharp.Data package for FarNet.FSharpFar
Package Description
Write file csv and excel
.NET Standard 2.0 / .NET Core 3.1 port of SDSLite library
A 1 to 1 port of TextFieldParser for .NET Standard.
This is a light-weight CSV read/write library for double data
CSV读取和导出的工具类。 var data = CSVInstance.GetInstance().ReadCSV("D:\\XX.csv"); // 导入 CSVInstance.GetInstance().ExportCSV("D:\\YY.csv", data); // 导出
Package Description
Package Description
This is a hacked together version of LinqToCsv for use with standard and core because I needed to get some legacy code running.
A fast csv reader that compiles expressions for the properties of the target type, and sets the data directly using these. Allows for quoted comma-containing values e.g. "A value, and another". Does not allow multi-line cells. Allows for escaped quotes both with \" and "".
Package Description
A minimalist csv handler
High performance CSV Parser and Builder classes for .NET