Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

MVVM Framework for WPF
Creates a "clean architecture" project setup for a MVC / WebApi / Blazor project.
Attributes used by Apex.Analyzers.Immutable
Illumina BaseSpace SDK for . Find out more about development and usage at
This library provides: - an intuitive API for modelling workflows with Amazon's SimpleWorkflow service - mechanism to automatically exchange data between chained activities/workflows - mechanism to automatically retry failed activities/workflows up to a max number of attempts ...
This library provides a set of custom attributes for C# to make it easier for you to capture and log exceptions and slow execution times to Sentry.
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata
A base runtime for any application using XMPP as communication layer.
A XEP-0030 (Service-Discovery) implementation.
A full XMPP.IM implementation strictly following the RFC specification.
A XEP-0136 library implementation.
XEP-0054: vcard-temp (
Some helpers for projects using the EntityFramework with multiple databases.
A library for managing xmpp messages in various back-ends.
IMAP backend for Yaaf.MessageArchiveManager.
MySQL helpers in addition to Yaaf.Database.
Collection of various katas to practice Test Driven Development.
A simple nuget package that just includes other nuget packages I use to make XUnit tests.
Persimmon.Dried.Gen provide value generator for property based testing.