Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

GraphQL Http server for .NET
Project YAGL. Game class.
A wrapper around Lidgren.Network, build on the princibple of sending inheritable packages
High productivity facilitator for scraping web pages
Build Kubernetes operators with C# and .NET Core
Allows to serve a robots instruction file.
Best practices to configure a GenHTTP webserver instance for production
Simple providers to generate pages with basic replacement mechanisms
Provides renderers based on the Markdown engine that can be used to render websites in projects running on the GenHTTP webserver.
Provides IO resources such as files to requesting clients
Allows to read and write responses in additional data formats such as JSON or XML
Allows to use controllers to handle incoming requests.
API for LordsMobile Steam
IoC container registration that uses the Microsoft.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection for .NET Core applications.
Allows to control client-side caching of content.
Additional attributes for AutoMapper.