Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log settings, etc.
Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects exposing IoT Hub features (Azure IoTHub C# SDK) with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log ...
MxNet MKL CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10.1 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet MKL GPU for Cuda 10 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Linux Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet GPU for Cuda 9.2 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet GPU for Cuda 8.0 Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
MxNet CPU Linux Redistributed package for MxNet.Sharp library.
An implementation in C# of both AMF0 and AMF3 binary format that is used to serialize ActionScript object graphs.
Serilog.Sinks.Bugsnag is a library to save logging information from Serilog to Bugsnag
GG.Net lets Data Scientists and Developers create flexible charts for .Net in C# and F#
A status/attribute rule manager lib for C# games
dolphindb api