Top 20 NuGet csharp Packages

C# base class library (.Net Core).
C# time utility library (.Net Core).
Serialize objects to C# scripts
Useful extensions for C#
Simple and fast JSON parsing and serializing
CleverbotLib is an easy to use and elegant .NET Cleverbot API library.
Business logic validation library
Extension to Kralizek.Lambda.Template to better support AWS Lambda functions that respond to SNS notifications.
A .NET Client for PayWithCapture
Most common and usefull helpers and utils for C# developers.
A .NET wrapper for the Cleverbot API.
Chaining comparison operations with C#, like x < y < z
Simple client to interact with the CloudMQTT management HTTP API
A small library to allow writing C# in a more functional style. This is for the .NET Standard compatibility. There is another NuGet version of this library for the full .NET Framework 4.5. Visit for more detailed information. 1.0.0 -- Initial release of lib...
Type-safe client-server communication for C# featuring Bridge.NET and NancyFx.
Generic framework for navigation algorithms written in C#. More details and sources are available at the project page on github.
A lightweight library to quickly pro rate a number across a collection. Supports: -Simple even pro rata -Weighted pro rata -Specify a Decimal place to be applied to each installment For more information visit the project URL.
Extensions to ResultMonad package to integrate with the HttpResult package. For more information see
Extensions to MaybeMonad package to integrate with the ResultMonad package. For more information see