Top 20 NuGet crud Packages

This is a fork of original Dapper.SimpleCRUD by Eric Coffman. It has integrated the following fixes and enhancements: - Added automatic casting for PostgreSQL JSON based on the presence of [JsonColumn] property attribute (
Rapid Application Development tool for MVC to generate User Interface with CRUD functionality using Models only
The package Provides a solution for the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, and Unity integration. The IoC framework is not an issue... It is ment to...
LogicBuilder.Data includes the base class for all data objects in the applications data stack.
CrudDatastore EntityFramework Boilerplate
CrudDatastore.Topper Data Access Framework
Add a Dapper repository to your project that reduces basic CRUD operations to a single line of code. Execute full queries and stored procedures. Easily add filters and parametrs. Supports Async and non-Async in Framework, Standard and Core.
Get, add, edit, delete operations for different file types.
This project is a middleware allowing to build automatically a complete RESTful API that will pick its data via CRUD operations in a database. All database requests and Swagger documentation are generated based upon a description stored in database or json file.
Crude is a simple Blazor framework to render CRUD interfaces.
Automates the building of CRUD view models from decorated class definitions
Editor template for inline editing list of items. ASP.NET MVC version.
Editor is a Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) plug-in for DataTables that provides the ability to easily add, edit and delete rows on a database that is displayed by a DataTable. The software available in this package, acts as server-side libraries for Editor in .NET environments (.NET Framewo...
jTable is a jQuery plugin that is used to create AJAX based CRUD tables without coding HTML or Javascript. It supports paging, sorting, master/child tables, selecting rows, resizing columns, show/hide columns and so on. Also creates create/edit forms and dialogs automatically from your model.
Simple Get, GetList, GetListPaged, Insert, Update, Delete, DeleteList, and RecordCount extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for attribute free classes but can be overridden as needed. By default uses Id column as the primary key but this can be overridden with an attribute By default qu...
Simple Data Access Framework
REST API library for ASP.NET Core that provides CRUD implementation out of the box.