Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Este repositório é uma extensão do Dapper, com o objetivo de utilização totalmente voltada à objetos.
Reflection helpers for C#
Light libary designed for the core project, currently for the following libraries: - NetCore.Simple - ConsumeAPI.Simple
Simple util to get attributes that decorates any property or class definition.
A simple C# wrapper for the Bittrex cryptocurrency trading platform.
Mono.Data.OdbcCore for linux and windows
Application layer components
Layman BDD framework for xUnit and .net Core
Use your DbContext to store your .net core sessions
Update of the original NDbUnit Core for .Net Standard 2.0
.NET Core 2.0 registration mechanism to mark and auto register components into IServiceCollection.
This library provides an IPasswordValidator for Microsoft ASP.NET Core Identity which validates passwords against's Pwned Passwords using the v2 RESTful API.
aspnet core video stream library
This project includes standard e-documents as models, all standards are royalty-free. This project may include several versions, the last part of the namespace indicates the version of the standard.
This is a client library for the Doxservr ( API. This library can be used to connect to the Doxservr API and to call API methods in the Doxservr API.
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection based utility for registering into DI container all public types within an assembly namespace
Redux implementation in c#. Redux is a predictable state container made popular by in the js world. Urunium.Redux is redux implementation for .net framework, which tries to implement redux in more c# idiomatic manner. Prior arts: Redux.Net, reducto.
UoW and Repository Pattern with EF