Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

The IOTA API library for .NET Standard framework. Compatible with .net 4.5 and .net core 1.0
.NET Core configuration provider for HashiCorp Vault
Binding for JackSharp.Client for CSCore. It contains implementations for ISoundOut and ISoundIn. JACK Audio Connection Kit (or JACK; a recursive acronym) is a professional sound server daemon that provides real-time, low-latency connections for both audio and MIDI data between applications that i...
WordPressReaderStd aims to simplify development of WordPress reader apps. It is written and compiled with .netStandard 2.1 as of version 2.1.x for compatibility reasons.
Part of MLib, which is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
.NET Bindings for TensorFlow
Property based testing library for C#. Write properties as Linq expressions.
Extensions for standard .NET types.
Interprocess communication between C# and kdb+. Repackaged for .NET Standard
Simple and Powerful WPF Persian DateTimePicker and Calendar
Binding for JackSharp.Client for NAudio. It contains implementations for IWavePlayer and IWaveIn. JACK Audio Connection Kit (or JACK; a recursive acronym) is a professional sound server daemon that provides real-time, low-latency connections for both audio and MIDI data between applications that ...
Binding for JackSharp.Client for CSCore. It contains implementations for ISoundOut and ISoundIn. JACK Audio Connection Kit (or JACK; a recursive acronym) is a professional sound server daemon that provides real-time, low-latency connections for both audio and MIDI data between applications that i...
The package helps in working with AWS S3Bucket storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from AWS S3Bucket Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applications.
An extension for the versatile pipelining library TicTacTube, that allows the integration of telegram bots.
An extension for the versatile pipelining library TicTacTube, that allows the integration of soundcloud. Creating new Soundcloud API-keys is currently disabled, therefore this API uses web parsing which may be against soundcloud's terms of service. Only use with soundclouds written permission.