Top 20 NuGet blockchain Packages

The Stampery API allows you to prove the existence, integrity and ownership of all your data by anchoring (embedding) unique identifiers (hashes) of your files and datasets into the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains.The timestamps and proofs generated by this API are independently verifiable at no co...
SolarLab Neo.Emulator
Scatter C# library to interact with ScatterDesktop / ScatterMobile
Cron lightwallet / blockchain API for C#. Allows you to interact with smart contracts in the CRON blockchain.
Class data models that are shared between Myndblock MultiChain projects
Variouse structures and objects shared by MCWrapper projects.
Access wallets and transactions on the block chain as well as sending bitcoin between you wallets and other's. Provides extensive access to the block chain itself for research and analysis.
A .NET Class Library that provides parsing functionality over files containing the Bitcoin blockchain.
A portable API library for the BIP39 spec.
cryptlet core package
cryptlet Fx Packages
Cryptlet.common Packages
Awesome .NET Core blockchain toolkit. Use it to create your owns blockchains easily. Note: this is first version. It's not purposed to use in production. There is a lot of things to do, so use alpha1 at your own risk. Please fill issues on github and make pull requests.