Top 20 NuGet blobs Packages

Client contracts for Chunkify.
Entity Framework models for Chunkify EfSql.
Common library for the Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO, OrmLite. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs. OrmLite is a suite extension methods on ADO.NET's underlying IDbConne...
thewall9 CMS Libraries.
EntityFramework metadata store implementations
This library is to help make is easier to work with Blobs.
Library for easily reading and writing CSV files (or IEnumerable<T>) to and from Azure Blobs and Azure Tables. See: DataTable.New.ReadAzureBlob, DataTable.New.ReadAzureTableLazy plus new extension methods on DataTable for writing back to Azure.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer package instead.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Sql Server. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in SQLServer.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for PostgreSQL. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Postgres.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Oracle RDBMS. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Oracle.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for MySQL. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in MySQL.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Firebird. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Firebird.
FileSystem Storage Service implementation
BlobService.Core library for hosting blobservice on-permise
BlobService.Client library for interacting with BlobService
Generate POCO models for all existing tables and stored procedures in a database for use with OrmLite.