Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages
基于 Blazui 和 Markdig 的 Markdown 编辑器
Toast notifications for Blazor Framework, simple to use.
Virtual scroll drop down that you can search. It allows for large number of items to be loaded into the search.
This NuGet package allows you to localize your Blazor app even validation messages based on .NET Core localization infrastructure such as "IStringLocalizer".
A utility library for.Net Core 3.1 to be used with XpandableSoft.Standard.
A contenteditable component for Blazor
A Blazor component for showing Dialog that support highly customized content.
a Blazor component based on animate.css to easly animate your content
Package Description
Package Description
Blazorized Server Side Customized Data Table Component with Pager and Pagination
Behaviors for Blazor.
Extract functionality from a Component into a Behavior to make it reusable.
Reuse it by adding Behaviors to a Component.
Abstract components that provide a common member base to our various Blazor component types.
A Blazor UI component for organizing access to destinations and other functionality in the app.
A Blazor UI component for containing items such as the application title, navigation icon, and action items.
A Blazor UI component for rendering an icon.
Bootstrap4 blazor components
A collection of useful Blazor JavaScript interop functions