Top 20 NuGet bim Packages

ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Navisworks 2019.
ForgeEngine provides you with a way to generate Autodesk Forge Svf Model completely offline, without Autodesk Forge Model Derivative service, this package is available for 2d dwg drawings.
Provides support for tessellating mesh geometries.
Manages IFC or STEP Model backed by an in-memory representation
Implementation of the IFC4 schema, including Add1, Add2 + Alignment schemas.
Implementation of the IFC2x3 schema.
Provides supports semantic loading and saving IFC models and related formats. Commonly used types include IfcStore IfcValidator XbimReferencedModel
Data Access Layer Library
Family Manager API Client Library
Rest API Server Library
Data Access Layer Library
PikTools UI api Library
PikTools nuke plugin for building MSI
PikTools Updater SDK
ForgeAuthor provides a nice object oriented way to manipulate the Audesk Forge Svf Model, as simple as manipulate XML or JSON.
ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb and Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline. this package is available for Autodesk Revit 2020.
Family Manager API Client Library
PikTools Command api Library
PikTools Application api Library
PikTools Revit extensions Library