Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

This package contains the interfaces V2 required by Service Fabric's ReliableCollections APIs.
Azure Blob Storage file provider for ASP.NET Core.
This library contains the Xigadee connectors for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
Farmer makes repeatable Azure deployments easy!
Class library to support building applications and services related to Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search.
This package adds support to Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB for Hangfire
This client library enables working with RavenDB Cloud API. For reference see: - RavenDB Cloud : - RavenDB Cloud Swagger UI : - RavenDB Cloud Swagger JSON :
Azure Service Bus transport for Whitestone Cambion
ASP.NET Core Web Template Pack for ElCamino Identity Azure Table Storage
Package Description
Package Description
Azure Queue Storage transport implementation for Tingle.EventBus.
This library contains converters dependent on the Newtonsoft.Json package for use with Microsoft.Spatial when using the Azure SDK for .NET.
Provides TokenProvider implementations for Chatter.MessageBrokers.AzureServiceProvider.
Generic textual corpora management subsystem
This package contains binding extensions for Twilio.