Top 20 NuGet autofac Packages

Registration source for Autofac. Allows to discover implementations types for interfaces and create resgistrations.
Extensible chat framework for systems with microservice architecture. DotChat.Dependency implementation via Autofac.
Reface,CommandBus 与 autofac 的集成库
Bootstrapper class for MEF Autofac application
Adds support to allow IRequestCultureProviders instances to be resolve during the request using Autofac container. This can be useful if the provider has external dependencies such as database connections etc that are best handled via DI
Using Autofac to resolve dependencies in xUnit2 tests
Autofac DynamicProxy2
The EntLibContrib Autofac Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Autofac as the DI container in EntLib.
Core package to be used when coding as described by Sogeti Pattern.
Implements UoW
Convention Based Application Settings via Autofac
Automatically supports profiling all methods called on interfaces resolved from an Autofac IoC container.
A small library to extend modularity with Autofac 3.5.2
Dependency become easy. It supports Mvc3.
Dependency become easy. It supports Mvc4.
BackEnd.Configuration integration with Autofac.
Autofac extension that allows to automatically bind a type with configuration provider through attributes.
e10 shared would allow you to start working on a project with basic level auths and repository and service layer.