Top 20 NuGet autocomplete Packages

AutoCompletion and WordSearch extension for StackExchange.Redis
EntryAutoComplete is a custom control with functionality that provides you with suggestions while typing. There are several modes of suggestions. The suggested text can be displayed in a drop-down list so that you can choose from different options.
IMDB API Data Scraper allows accessing the IMDB auto complete api, and includes several methods to return IMDB data for categories, most popular movies, most popular tv, newest movies, and several other popular sections of the IMDB site.
Xamarin Forms SearchBar for implementing Google Places Autocomplete using Google Places API.
A set of Blazor components with minimal JS.
NotAClue Dynamic Data Autocomplete ForeignKey Field Templates for foreign key fields with many rows.
15 Filters for Dynamic Data; GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, DateRange, Range, Autocomplete, Contains, MultiForeignKey, StartsWith, EndsWith, DateFrom, DataTo.
A nuget package of deepdotnet's WPF Autocomplete TextBox control from CodePlex
An predictive text library for .Net
An predictive text library for .Net
Adds hinting capabilities to console applications
Provides a lightweight combobox with filtering (auto-complete).
Roslyn plugin that provides helpful autocomplets when using Moq mocking library. Port of Resharper extension to Roslyn. NOTE: Works in VS 2017 only because plugin uses the latest Roslyn Autocomplete API.
Selectize.js Legacy Theme
Selectize.js Default Theme
Selectize.js Bootstrap 3 Theme
Selectize.js Bootstrap 2 Theme