Top 20 NuGet authorization Packages

A Neo4j IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a Neo4j Graph DB. Implements ServiceStack's built-in AuthProvider Model: inc. Twitter, Facebook, Basic, Digest, Credentials Aut...
Authentication and Authorization full package
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr users.
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr users.
This package contains the reference assemblies for using Dapr security roles.
Authorization behaviour for MediatR
This library lets you use standard role based authorization using your own roles repository
The AzMan authorization provider allows the use of Windows Authorization Manager (AzMan) in conjunction with the Security Application Block.
Config file configurable principal permissions.
Silverlight Authorization Library for WCF RIA Services.
Allows AzMan (Authorization Manager) operation permission checks declaratively and imperatively.
A .NET library you can use to perform permissions based authorization. It allows you to administer the permissions as well as assert a member's authorization for a particular action, inheriting group permissions, and defaulting to deny anything not explicitly given.
Simple object authorization framework.
A .net authorization component that decouples authorization from User, IPrincipal or Roles. This assumes a few conventions over configuration.
An OWIN middleware component to authorize requests using a token in the Authorization request header and also adding ClaimsPrincipal to OWIN environment
This hybrid authentication model will check Stateless Authorization Header authentication first and then try Forms Authentication second.
This expands upon the default stateless authorization package but using the convention that the security credentials are provided in the Authorization (request) Header.
SSW WebCacheAuthorizationProvider
By using of this package you can create your own test-tokens for OAuth.