Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

A collection of utilities designed to impove the creation process of UnitTesting for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications.
A library of .NET 6 utilities for working with email. Used in conjunction with other packages.
A collection of utilities designed to aid in the storage of files to cloud storage locations.
Package for integrating JWT Bearer Token Security from Auth0 in a .NET Core App 3.x
Talagozis.AspNetCore library
json web token support for AspNetCore Identity
EPPlus.Core is an unofficial port of the EPPlus library to .NET Core.
Lightweight Business Object wrapper around Entity Framework Core Data Access.
WebApiRunner is an aspnet core application framework to host simple rest services with minimal plumbing required.
AutoMapper support for GraniteCore
AspNetCore OAuth authenticator for ClickView.Extensions.RestClient
Fork of ASP.NET Core HTTP server that uses Azure Relay. Provides support for ASP NET Core v2.2 and associated stack.
ASP.NET Core MVC features that use Dahomey.Cbor. Includes input and output formatters for CBOR
AggregatedServices is simply generator which generates .NET class based on provided interface. This way simplifies services aggregation and mass services usage.
AggregatedServices is simply generator which generates .NET class based on provided interface. This way simplifies services aggregation and mass services usage.
Appeaser Application Insights Diagnostics for AspNetCore
This package contains the abstract codes you need to create OData client.