Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

OData Web API (i.e., ASP.NET Web API OData) is a server library built upon ODataLib and Web API.
Socket-based RPC for Microsoft.AspNetCore.NodeServices
Razor view compilation for compiling CSHTML files into DLLs.
Build-time references required to enable Razor view compilation as part of building the application.
Razor precompilation
Razor precompilation
ASP.NET Core Identity Service integration for ASP.NET Core MVC.
ASP.NET Core Identity Service in process client.
ASP.NET Core Identity Service implementation based on ASP.NET Core Identity.
ASP.NET Core common types implementing the main abstractions for Identity Service.
ASP.NET Core common types defining the main abstractions for Identity Service.
ASP.NET Core Identity Service implementation based on Entity Framework.
ASP.NET Core Identity Service Diagnostics Middleware.
Helpers for building Angular 2 applications on ASP.NET Core.
Run Mendham.Events with ASP.NET Core's built in container
Run Mendham.Domain with ASP.NET Core's built in container
Contains the rate limiting action filter which works with Domain.RateLimiting.Core
BaseBindingModel is a library that deals with the generic validation and data processing while doing model binding in C# MVC and Aspnet Core.