Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Allows you to customize your swagger documentation using code, including support for providing multiple examples for responses and parameters.
This library provides shared functionality for the NWebsec ASP.NET Core security libraries.
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support the Microsoft ADFS's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
NetStitch is a Http RPC Framework built on .NetFramework/.NETCore.
AspNetCore ElasticSearch Identity Provider
DynamoDB data store adaptor for ASP.NET Core Identity
Localization Session State Request Culture Provider
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Core 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
Model Extensions for GenericAPI (Deprecated from 8.0, please use GenericApi.Extensions.Model)
Easy Dynamics ASP.NET Core OAuth ADFS Authentication Library This package was created to handle OAuth with ADFS for ASP.NET Core applications. For examples on how to use the package please visit the project home page.
Helpers for handling the SEO-data for ASP.NET Core MVC web-applications
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui from an ASP.NET Core application
Recipe to Connect Storyteller to ASP.Net Core 2.* Systems
Recipes to Manipulate or Assert on Databases in Storyteller Specifications
Minimalistic flash message system for ASP.NET Core MVC to provide contextual feedback messages between actions based on Bootstrap Alerts ( For more information see