Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

xPike Configuration - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration Provider and Asp.Net Core
ASP.Net Core middleware that enables an application to support Discord's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Enables easy transaction management in CQRS style applications.
.NET Core request tracing and logging utility for cross microservice logging.
Webhook support for Box in ASP.NET Core.
Webhook support for Amazon SNS in ASP.NET Core.
Ding.Printer.EscPos是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的ESC/POS热敏打印操作核心类库。
Ding.Printer.Core是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的热敏打印操作核心类库。
Ding.BarCode.ZXing是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的ZXing.Net条形码操作类库。
Ding.BarCode是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的条形码操作核心类库。
Hosting environment for D-ASYNC microservice ecosystem that processes HTTP requests.
Binds together all necessary components to run D-ASYNC on ASP NET Core with minimal effort.
Provides an abstraction of "hosting middleware" that can be added to the application's web hosting pipeline as a means to asynchronously intercept startup and graceful shutdowns. Part of an alternative to `IStartupFilter` that is asynchronous.
Provides functionality to wire up "hosting middleware" that can be added to the application's web hosting pipeline as a means to asynchronously intercept startup and graceful shutdowns. An alternative to `IStartupFilter` that is asynchronous.
Ding.Printer是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的打印类库。
ASP.NET Core middleware that uses the OIDC 'ui_locales' instead of the default 'culture' to localize content
Provides fluent extensions of .NET Core's hosting mechanisms so that consumers can wire up a Serilog implementation of Microsoft's logging abstraction, as long as it has been elsewhere registered with dependency injection in a singleton scope. This allows the use of Serilog-backed...
Provides fluent extensions of .NET Core's hosting mechanisms so that consumers can easily wire in large sets of Autofac configuration, without crowding their `Startup` classes. An alternative to `Autofac.Extensions.Hosting`. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical...
Fetch is a base implementation of the repository pattern that includes a processing pipeline for extending the functionality of a respository. This library also includes entity change tracking to support the pipeline system and base controller implementations to get service implementations off the ...
Provides functionality for mocking application hosting and hosting middleware components to ease in the testing of same.