Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

ASP.NET Core basic middleware for supporting HTTP method overrides. support PathBase Includes: * X-Forwarded-* headers to forward headers from a proxy. * HTTP method override header.
Core Knight Blades for ASP.NET Core Mvc, used when Coding with Honor!
IdeaStudio AspNetCore base TagHelpers
Configure your projects to easily integrate behavior tests with Testavior.
This library provides a set of tools to enable CRUD rapidly on any aspnetcore Web APIs.
Common Utils for AspNetCore And .Net Core
Middleware that, when included in your Asp.Net Core app, allows you to throw new HttpStatusCodeException() and interrupt the execution of a request while sending back a response with the given Status Code and Body.
Empty DNT.Identity project
Sharp Docs Brazilian is a library with some DataAnnotations to validate brazilian documents in ASP.NET.
A GraphQL .NET library for usage with ASP.NET Core.
A GraphQL .NET server library.
OAuth2.0 Bearer
OAuth2.0 Bearer
This library provides a set of tools to enable CRUD rapidly on any aspnetcore Web APIs.
This library provides a set of tools to enable CRUD rapidly on any aspnetcore Web APIs.