Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

HwInfoReader is an ASP.NET Core package which is the core package.
Package Description
A plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection to support automatically injecting all types which defines ITransientType, IScopedType, ISingletonType.
A plugin for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection to support automatically injecting all types which defines ITransientType, IScopedType, ISingletonType, and also injecting makes with interceptors. It uses System.Reflection.DispatchProxy to enable on the fly proxy creation of implementation type...
A simple, convention-based, endpoint per action pattern implementation for AspNetCore 3.0+
A HandmadeMapper extension to support Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Extensions for .NET Core Dependency Injection container that allow to register and resolve dependencies by key
Support content-based action selection in ASP.NET Core using custom vendor media types.
Support content-based action selection in ASP.NET Core using custom vendor media types.
Blazorized Server Side Customized Data Table Component with Pager and Pagination
An IHostedService abstraction which manages a dynamically scaleable pool of IHostedService instances.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
Extensions for Microsoft Dependency Injection container that allow to register and resolve dependencies by key
Testing library, adding an Asp.Net Core logging provider that logs to xUnit ITestOutputHelper.
TagHelpers for ASP.NET Core
A collection of useful Blazor JavaScript interop functions