Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

ASP.NET Core middleware for fluently configuring response headers
CodeZero is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Clean Architecture, DDD, CQRS, Specification Patterns and another facilities for new modern web applications is an open-source project written in .NET Core.
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
The package helps in working with microsoft azure storage accounts for storing files irrespective of the file type. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and download files from Microsoft Azure Blob Stoarage for .Net(Classic) and .net core applica...
This package contains Client library that helps in Microsoft Azure Blob Stoage operations and File Share Utility.
RavenDB Dependency Injection for ASP .NET Core 2.x
Swagger AspNetCore Extensions.
FivePower.Tools.Email是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的邮件操作工具类。
FivePower.Web.Swagger是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的应用框架的Swagger Api扩展类
Adaptation of parts of Microsoft.Extensions for the obsolete .NET framework 2.0. The original namespaces and API are preserved as much as possible. Main adaptations: - Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (ServiceCollection) - Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (ini, json and memory) - Microsof...
Library with classe for NLog integration in ASP.NET Core application
Extension methods to configure exception handler which write object serialized using Newtonsoft.Json serializer to responce body. In case of using netcore2.1+ use Commmunity.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.Mvc package instead
Provides Model Convention classes to change auto-generated ASP.NET Core urls from PascalCase to kebab-case
This package contains `PhantomJs` executable files. The `ForEvolve.Pdf` package is also required. See `ForEvolve.Pdf` for more information.
System to abstract the job ob create permissions based on claims, for more info, check the example in
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support Podbeans's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
FivePower.Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的用于从ASP.NET Core应用程序公开swagger-ui的嵌入版本的中间件
FivePower.Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.ReDoc是一个五次方软件基于.net core平台下的用于从ASP.NET Core应用程序公开嵌入式ReDoc版本的中间件
Provides a programming interface for HTTP applications, including components for parsing HTTP headers.