Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

A honeypot like SimpleHoneypot but without redirecting. In essence it's just a hidden field used to trick a simple spambot into filling in a field that it's not supposed to. For more information see:
ASP.NET Core extensible and embeddable documentation engine
This package contains the Windows Runtime API for Asp.Net Core. You can use Windows Runtime Api in your Asp.Net Core Application.
SwaggerUI WebApi Document,Base in SashbuckleEx,Added Search Api Name And Added Sinicization,Using CacheInfo
An extension for Swagger ASP.Net Core to authenticate against Azure Active Directory. Documentation can be found at
Various framework elements and components to help make the development of .Net Standard applications and ASP.Net Core MVC websites that much easier to deal with for the ASP.Net Core .Net cross-platform) environment. To see all assemblies in the framework, click the 'CoreXT' tag. This packag...
ASP.NET Core specific components
Extensions for DotVVM ASP.NET framework.
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
Aspnet Core Webhook midlleware A Github and Appveyor webhooks predefined.