Top 20 NuGet Packages

Adds Security Via Api-Key To swagger-ui in ASP.Net MVC
Configuration system for Application (ASP.NET, WPF, UWP, etc). XML or JSON file types are avaliable
This package is forked from project. Just to avoid installing all the packages and entityframework in our domain project. Added the TrackerEnabledDbContext.Domain class library and move the SkipTrackingAttribute and TrackChangesAttribute ...
WebCodeHelp - a new way to help update .net web code applications to support web standards.
Airbrake HTTP module for ASP.NET request pipeline
MSBuild tool for ASP.NET Core to pack wwwroot contents into embedded resources.
Replacement CodeDOM providers that use the new .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") compiler as a service APIs. This provides support for new language features in systems using CodeDOM (e.g. ASP.NET runtime compilation) as well as improving the compilation performance of these systems.
Lightweight profiler that supports async and parallelism in code, and features an extensible API.
Enables the profiling of .NET applications written using the Nancy framework.
A simple REST API for LiveProfiler.
An extension to LiveProfiler that turns transactions and steps metrics into performance counters.
An extension to LiveProfiler that streams profiler events to the LiveProfiler Desktop Monitor.
A library with ASP.NET MVC helper and utilities
Package Description
Skeleton of sample files that can be used as reference for doing your own themes and localizaton
ASP.Net Core Impersonation gives the ability to impersonate a user at either a function level or a middleware level. For information and documentation on how to use the library please go to the GitHub repository.
PlayFactory Framework For ASP.NET Core
PlayFactory Framework For ASP.NET Core
PlayFactory Framework For ASP.NET Core
PlayFactory Framework For ASP.NET Core