Top 20 NuGet ark Packages

Extension to integrate Ark.Tools.Solid framework with FluentValidation
SOLID base for Handler pattern
Extension of WorkerHost for a Sql State ptovider
Extension of WorkerHost for a Ftp Watcher
Host class for a ResourceWatcher with ResourceProcessor
Implementation of FtpClient.Core based on System.Net.FtpClient
Implementation of FtpClient.Core as SFtp based on Renci.SshNet
Implementation of FtpClient.Core based on ArxOne.Ftp
Extensions and helpers for using Sql
Extensions and helpers for SimpleInjector
Extensions and helpers for Nodatime
Extensions of Auth0
Artesian SDK library
Extensions of AspNetCore for supporting nested Startups, with separate Services
Extensions of AspNetCore for supporting CSV parameters as array in both Route and Query params
SpecfFlow utilities
Extension of WorkerHost for Hosting building
Core utilities over Newtonsoft.Json
This library adds support for NodaTime types to MessagePack C#.
Core utilities for ApplicationInsights.