Top 20 NuGet application Packages

A library to store application configuration into a SQLite database
NoesisGUI Theme
Application layer implementation
Writes Serilog events to Windows Forms Application TextBox or Datagridview control from anywhere in your application.
Package Description
Enhancing Microsoft Azure Application Insights Telemetry with request and response body for your application enpoints and for any HTTP dependency.
Simple way to serve already built Single Page Applications.
Hydra is a app generation tool with resulting source code. Generated front-end support for Ionic/Angular. Restful microservice layer support for .NET Core. Back-end support for SQL Server. Other supported technologies coming soon as Hydra is highly extensible. Also includes support for mobile capabi...
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. This package offers a generic provider based metrics framework provider for Application Insights.
Cube .Net Core Application Framework
Tools to make instrumenting Console apps with Application Insights easier.