Top 20 NuGet api Packages
HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, S3, Azure, Kvpbase, and filesystem crawlers for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Do not install directly. Supporting classes for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority, etc...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Extensions package for Gravity API products line.
Metadata manager for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
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The Asp Net Core plugin for use with Entity Framework Core. Automaticly create controller (endpoint) for each entity
The Asp Net Core plugin for use with Entity Framework Core.
This plugin simplify client-server interacting, by creating endpoints for each Entity in your DBContext.
JSON and XML interacting types are supported.
Handles GET POST PUT DELETE requests.
Flexible and adjustable request sch...
Iqoption Api for DOTNET -
Language parser.
Реализация VK Donuts App API для .NET.
Подробнее на сайте проекта
DotNet Core C# API solutions
Azure DevOps helper/utility library.