Top 20 NuGet api Packages

Symbols for package 'EasyHookNativePackage'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).
This package contains autorest imlpementation of the Makeitright API
Easy to use wrapper around the Pro Publica Congress API
This is a library which wraps CRUD operations of REST API and saves the response in string format which can be serialized as per required format like XML or JSON
This package contains autorest imlpementation of the SProadmap API
Simple REST Api Connector for sending and receiving REST requests. Designed for .NET Core applications
.NET Standard 1.6 Asynchronous wrapper for Cleverbot.IO
Utilities for Web Api development
Zabbix API library based on .NET Standard.
The DeveloperForce.NetCore.Force NuGet provides a .NET library for interacting with Salesforce's REST APIs Compatible with ASP.Net Core.
BettingAPI, AccountsAPI, RaceStatusAPI, HeartbeatAPI
.NET Framework network services library
FacTotum is a package that contains many utilities to help UWP developers creating fantastic UWP apps.
The chayns backend api helper is dedicated to support you using the backend api itself. It shortens and simplifies many features of the api and makes the usage much more cleaned up.
F# .net core Web API Template
IdeaStudio CRUD DataService
API client for the bunq public API.