Top 20 NuGet api Packages

A .NET client for interacting with Zoho CRM service
MVC API is a Web Api framework built on top ASP.NET MVC.
ScApi is a .NET wrapper around the Socialcast developer API.
MobileGATracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
This is the CSharp client for Datalanche's REST API.
An opinionated IronMQ client for .Net developers. We take care of the flow, you take care of the Go.
Eloqua Rest API Client
This library is a wrapper for the Vimeo Advanced API.
A simple synchronous/asynchronous REST client for .Net
JsonRPC Portable Class Library
BNET ClientAPI is an open source project that allow comunication with Blizzard Battle.NET network using Blizzard own Community APIs. The project is compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, and uses REST requests for comunication with Blizzard servers. Target Microsoft Windows 8.1+, Microsoft ....
Portable library to work with VK api
Rinky lets you define RESTful links using attributes on action methods in ASP.NET Web API WebHost.
CloudShare API C# SDK See documentation here:
ScriptCs script pack for Fluent Automation
A Portable Class Library C# wrapper for the Parse REST API. Can be used with .NET Framwork 4.0 and higher, Silverlight 4 and higher, Windows Phone 7.1 and higher, and .NET for Windows Store apps.
QlikBar SDK for .Net
The library provide those features : - The queries are cached, and only requeried if there is changes; - Requesting informations can be optionally done asynchronously, as it allow the use of the new keywords of .NET 4.5, async and await; - Can grabs the item’s images (small and large version), and c...
ElmahR Api client for extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint (