Top 20 NuGet aop Packages

An api for building and invoking Aspects.
AOP Alternative to T4. Autocomplete classes with macros with the help of Roslyn
Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. In simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, browse all the contained types, modify th...
never library
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package Description
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package Description
Package Description
dotnet 动态代理类,用于AOP
Provides an annotation that indicates a target type or member should be intercepted with time-freezing semantics.
Provides an annotation that indicates a target type or member should be intercepted with retry-on-fault semantics.
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `RetryOnFaultAttribute` such that failed operations will be retried with a configurable exponential back-off. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API ...
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes with interceptors based on annotated attributes. An (Autofac-specific) alternative to (and combination of) both `Ninject.Extensions.Interception` and `Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy`. ...
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `FreezeTimeAttribute` such that resolved `IClock` instances will reflect a frozen instance in time time, throughout the duration of each intercepted call. This is u...
Package Description
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.