Top 20 NuGet android Packages

IoT Communication Framework
IoT Communication Framework
Configurable, elastic multiple floating action buttons for Xamarin.Android
Add an icon in Xamarin Forms Entry control.
Custom control for Xamarin.Forms to view a progress ring. Colors are adjustable. It also supports "progress to" animations similar to the ones that come with the Xamarin.Forms progress bar. Built against:
Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API client library for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms (or portable projects used for Android/iOS apps).
DraggableTreeView is a custom view that mimics a Tree View directory and also implements drag and drop. The tree view can go to the n-th level by default there is no limit.
Library of Tweet UI ( TweetMediaView component.
Xamarin bindings library for the Android CounterFab library
Biblioteca para facilitar envio de Push Notification usando o Firebase Cloud Messaging do Google
Xamarin Bindings library for bug-fixed fork:
A sweet message box designed for Android developers.
A simple way to draw a string that contains icons inline with normal characters.
Simple listener-based API to handle runtime permissions and with Xiaomi's Permissions support.
A view that displays states of screen like loading, error, empty etc.
A simple Android ImageView which allows you to create diagonal cut views easily
A view that can rolling automatic within child views list.
Additional features for Android TextView
Xamarin bindings for ExoPlayer