Top 20 NuGet algorithm Packages
Spatial Index data structure; used to make it easier to find data points on a two dimensional plane.
.NET library that provides convenient graph helpers related to DataTable (and also serialization to Graphviz).
This package is a subset related to DataTable of the original QuickGraph renamed QuikGraph and ported to .NET Core.
Supported platforms:
- .NET Standard 2.0+
- .NET Core 2.0+
- .NET Frame...
Transform financial market price data into technical analysis indicators such as MACD, Stochastic RSI, Average True Range, Parabolic SAR, and more.
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Configuration Project - The Config and argument parser implementation
This package provides an algorithm which is a able to tune (improve the performance of) an algorithm.
Temporary package to address assembly reference issues in QuikGraph.MSAGL
.NET library that provides a bridge from QuikGraph graphs to MSAGL library.
This package is the MSAGL subset of the original QuickGraph renamed QuikGraph and ported to .NET Core.
Supported platforms:
- .NET Standard 2....
LibOptimization is a numerical optimization library that simplifies optimization using C#, VisualBasic.Net and other .NET Framework languages. Implementing optimization algorithm are Steepest Descent Method, Newton Method, Nelder Mead Method (Original ver, Wikipedia ver) ,Hooke and Jeeves of Pattern...
Class library implementing advanced mathematical algorithms, transforms, and time series manipulations. Implementations favour simplicity and correctness.
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
Provides a .NET implementation to the diff algorithm (shortest edit script) described by Eugene Myers in "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations". Unlike some other implementations, this one can compare sequences of any object type, using the standard Equals method or a custom IEqualityCom...
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.
RSA encryption algorithm written by Veysel MUTLU
Author Web Site:
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A simple to use Genetic Algorithm Framework for .Net. See the project page for details on how to use this package.
This is the official NuGet package of Astronomical Algorithms # (AASharp or AA#)
AASharp is a C# port of PJ Naughter's static C++ library, AA+. Naughter's library implements the algorithms in Jean Meuss' book, "Astronomical Algorithms."
A suite of .NET non-cryptographic hash functions.
Data structures and algorithms.
Provides a way of interpolating a series of points in a monotonic and smoothed way.
HDBSCAN is a clustering algorithm developed by Campello, Moulavi, and Sander. It extends DBSCAN by converting it into a hierarchical clustering algorithm, and then using a technique to extract a flat clustering based in the stability of clusters.