Top 20 NuGet access Packages
Helper library for claims based identity & access control in ASP.NET and MVC5.
Common functionality for ASP.Net MVC applications - configuration, generic controller, generic repository, generic version history controller, access denied attribute, account management.
FileWarehouse allows you to work with files in different storages using common interface. This is interface package.
A C# framework library for wrapping .NET cache access, including the MemoryCache, AppFabric Cache, Memcached and a disk cache. Use any cache provider in AOP-style, or as an ASP.NET output cache.
Utilities for Autofixture and Data Access
Utilities for Autofixture, xUnit and Data Access
Lexware-Entitäten für Faktura
A simple, fast and flexible data access library based on the Command pattern.
Repository based data access layer.
Acesse mais de um tipo de banco de dados de forma fácil via ADO.NET.
Atualmente dando suporte aos bancos.
- SqlServer
- MySql
- Firebird
É possível implementar outros bancos de dados de forma fácil!
A unified and simplified abstraction for implementing data accessing and persistence
Apigee Access (apigee-access) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Autofac bootstraper for LoreKeeper.
Wrapper around
Empiria Ontology, ORM, messaging and other foundation types.
A slim yet powerful ORM layer.
EF implemenation of the jupitar api
mongo db implemenation of the jupitar api
Easily extract insights from your videos and quickly enrich your apps to improve detection and engagement