Top 20 NuGet aws Packages

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MSK (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTThingsGraph (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SecurityHub (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaLive (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTEvents (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeStar (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ManagedBlockchain (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LakeFormation (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::QLDB (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaConvert (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EventSchemas (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppConfig (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::FMS (Stability: Experimental)
AmazonS3 health checks package used to check the status of a Amazon S3 service in .NET 5, .NET Core, .NET Standard based applications. LiteXHealthChecks is very small yet powerful and high-performance library used to check the status of a component in the application, such as a backend servic...
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GlobalAccelerator (Stability: Stable)
Abbotware Interop Library for Aws SQS - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Abbotware Interop Library for Aws Lambda - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Includes the compile-time generator used to generate code needed for Dependency Injection-enabled AWS Lambdas.
Includes attributes needed for writing AWS Lambdas using Dependency Injection.
Amazon SQS adapter for Akka.NET Streams