Top 20 NuGet authentication Packages

适用于ASP.NET Core2.0 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用微信快捷登录。
适用于ASP.NET Core2.0+ 的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用QQ快捷登录。
A modern .NET Standard 2.0 Authy API Library
A .NET Core class library for accessing the Salesforce/ExactTarget Authentication service via REST API.
This is an Adapter to connect .Net web Application to a Keycloak server for Authentication and Authorisation
A middleware for authenticating with bearer token locally (without calling introspection endpoint)
Behavior that handles a token un message header, between request
This NuGet package has been made obsolete and moved to a new package named 'AspNetCore.Authentication.Basic'. Please consider removing this package and download the new one as there will be no future updates on this package. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. This was done purely for the naming of ...
An ASP.NET Core authentication provider for Slack slash command and interactive component tokens.
A Schema for authenticating with bearer token locally (without calling introspection endpoint)
ASP.NET Core 2.0 security middleware for Strava authentication.
Automatically login a bunch of accounts to PlayerIO with extreme haste.
A small utility library for issuing and validating JWT Bearer. Can be used for both ASP.NET Core and .NET Framework Web project as well as Desktop App (no built-in flow).
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support Podbeans's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
An ASP.NET Core authentication middleware: WeixinOpen for (微信开放平台/微信扫码登录) 使用说明:须微信开放平台(账号,用户使用微信扫码并确认后登入网站。
An ASP.NET Core authentication middleware: WeixinAuth for (微信公众平台/网页授权登录) 使用说明:须微信公众平台(已认证的服务号(或测试号),用户在微信客户端访问网站时自动登入网站。
An ASP.NET Core authentication middleware: QQConnect for (腾讯QQ互联平台/QQ登录) 使用说明:须腾讯QQ互联平台(账号,用户通过点击“QQ登录”图标按钮,或使用手机QQ扫码登入网站。