Top 20 NuGet aspnetmvc Packages
Common functionality for ASP.Net MVC applications - configuration, generic controller, generic repository, generic version history controller, access denied attribute, account management.
Adds an authorization layer to ViewBuilding so that only authorized content is displayed
QUnit installation into Bridge.NET projects.
QUnit Sample installation into Bridge.NET projects.
Collection extensions to Bridge.NET projects, including BitArray, HashSet, Queue and Stack.
Kanban board component for AngularJS (HTML5 and JavaScript®/TypeScript).
Bridge.NET support for the browser's debugging console
Bridge.NET support for the developer tools debugging console
Enhanced Deliver Client built on top of KenticoCloud.Deliver SDK. Strong types, Caching and SEO Friendly URLs out of the box.
This package upgrades your web application from older versions of MVC (MVC 3 or MVC 4) to the newer version (MVC 5.2.3).
Unit test framework for Bridge.NET projects. Write tests in C#, run them in JavaScript.
Aspect framework for Bridge.NET projects. Provides powerful means for structuring and automating program logic.

TestBase – Rich, fluent assertions and tools for testing with heavyweight dependencies: AspNetCore, AdoNet, HttpClient, AspNet.Mvc, Streams, Logging
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with
- fluent assertions that are easy to extend
- sharp error messages
- tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on
- AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts
- HttpClient
- Ado.Net
- Streams & Logging
TestBase.Mvc is renamed ...