Top 20 NuGet Packages

Basic Authentication for IIS
Metrosoft Internal Package for Cache Management
ASP.NET Hijri/Gregorian Date Picker Cusom Control
Provides a user-friendly error page whenever a controller, action or route is not found or encounters an error in your ASP.NET MVC5 application. Custom views are rendered instead of the default ASP.NET error page.
This package adds the ability to look at all the mvc 5 attribute based routes applied throughout your application. After installing the package just run your mvc 5 application, and visit "attribute-based-routes". That is, if your application is running at port 1234, you would have to...
Contains additional objects to work with ASP.NET Web API.
ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless way to send email from your application. The concept is pretty simple. We can render HTML by utilizing some pretty snazzy view engines, so why can't we do the same thing for email?
This package to privide RadiobuttonList and CheckboxList for your mvc project
This package is used to merge gridview's cells,include merge rows and merge columns.
Build your ASP.NET MVC solution faster.
Middleware that enables an application to support Sina WeiBo OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow
MVC5 Templates is a revised version of the MVC5 Controller with views, using Entity Framework T4 templates that ship with MVC5. MVC5 Templates are slightly more opinionated, make a couple more assumptions and hence, are able to do a bit more for you
In site use single web.config for all servers (dev, test, prod, etc), simple add this Extension class to read Settings or ConnectionString
Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
Validate property value of an object.
Giving you helperfunctions for Asp.Net-Projects in addition to the ones from Asp.Net-WebPages-Lib
Library contains wrappers for ASP.NET HttpContext class. Easy to use depedency injection for ASP .NET MVC 5 application.