Top 20 NuGet Packages

一个易用的省市区联动JS插件 BUG反馈邮箱:[email protected]
Credits Hero allows service broker applications to charge credits for matching customer inquiries with service vendors.
This project is a fully asynchronous .NET Portable Class Library and .Net 4.5 library for interacting with the great OpenWeatherMap API. Documentation on Or:
Extends the default Mvc View engine (5.x) to support themes and localized views
Throttlebird is a simple Http request throttler to help limit the number of client requests within a given period of time.
Используеться для установки текста(чисел) уведомлений на элементах HTML.
拓展封装了拦截器和格式化器以及参数化以及自动压缩解压数据的的ASP.NET WebApi
Используеться для установки текста(чисел) уведомлений на элементах HTML.
Data Layer abstraction and UnitOfWork basic implementation.
Beetle.js server files.
[codingfreaks] web MVC utility library
[codingfreaks] web utility library
A TagHelper Library for creating star-based ratings.
Resumable Upload for ASP.NET and flow.js
Smart 是一个免费、开源、快速、简单、面向对象的轻量级.NET开发框架。
SmoothCaptcha can be easily integrated into your any project such as ASP.NET, MVC, Winform. It was composed of C# language. Using a simple configuration class (CaptchaConfiguration) can generate your Captcha you need. And also, you can freely set include: captcha font, color, background color, size ...