Top 20 NuGet Packages

Web Api HAL Hypermedia Formatter
Adapters that enable decoupling of existing System.Web components.
Utilities and helper classes for simplifying configuration of Asp.Net MVC using Castle Windsor.
A component-oriented helper methods for transforming a standard ASP.NET MVC project into small components.
A simple ASP.NET MVC library to aide with the use of Visa Checkout
ASP.NET vNext Middleware for Worker instances in AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Light ASP.NET Error Handler Module for processing and logging ASP.NET application exceptions.
ReCaptcha.NET provides a .NET wrapper library for Google's reCaptcha ( API.
Adds methods to help serialize complex objects for use in ASP.NET MVC.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Provides ViewDataDictionary extensions to help add metadata to your html elements ASP.NET notifier
Nano is a micro web framework for building web-based HTTP services and websites for .NET.
Bailey.Web.Http provides a Windsor-based controller activator, a dependency resolver, and a dependency scope class for ASP.NET WebApi.
Bailey.Web.Mvc provides a Windsor-based controller factory and dependency resolver for ASP.NET MVC.
This package contains following Html helper 1. LabelRequiredFor : This helper display an asterisk sign for the label if that property is marked as required using Data annotations attribute.
lightweight document generator for WebApi.
A library that makes it easier to persist and apply stored application state (window locations and sizes, user settings and preferences, etc). Instead of moving data back and forth from a .settings file, just specify which properties of which objects need to be persistent (in one of several ways),...
AAValidationHelper is a library that helps you easily writing validation html code in ASP.NET MVC + AngularJS. It uses DataAnnotations to do validation both server and client. This library is inspired by NgVal.
A library that makes it easier to persist and apply stored application state (window locations and sizes, user settings and preferences, etc). Instead of writing code that moves data back and forth from a .settings file, just specify which properties of which objects need to be persistent (in one ...