Top 20 NuGet apm Packages

A C# client implementation for DataDog's APM solution for tracing ADO .NET implementations.
Provides a subscriber to log MediatR events to Elastic APM.
Managed SDK libraries for .NET Core tracing with Instana APM
A C# client implementation for DataDog's APM solution for AspNetCore.
APM .NET Agent for Azure App Services
FastTracker ASP.NET Agent. based on Skywalking, Elastic Apm, Application Insight and Jaeger.
FastTracker log data transmitter.
FastTracker ASP.NET Core Agent.
Log API Calls to Moesif API Analytics
Manual instrumentation library for Datadog APM
Elastic APM for Entity Framework 6. This package contains auto instrumentation for Entity Framework 6. See:
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
Provides OpenTracing support for Datadog APM
Microsoft.Utilities.Logging support for FastTracker.
FastTracker core components.