Top 20 NuGet api Packages

Use Zoho API C#.NET SDK to access Zoho API
The GTmetrix-net .Net client interacts with the REST API allowing you to utilize GTmetrixs features using a .NET interface.
Tumblr# extension for .NET
Docati.Api is a .NET Standard library that can be used to generate documents (either DOCX or PDF) based on templates created with Microsoft Word and our special add-in. Like mail-merge, but much more powerful. Both Windows and Linux are supported. Docati.Api is free for small documents. For a full-v...
A .NET wrapper built on Quandl v3 REST API, based on .NET standard 2.0
A simple to use REST client for .NET Core
EduLogin.Client enables your app to interact with data entities from service for schools.
Allows backwards compatibility for your JSON based APIs by differentiating between 'Null' and 'Not Supplied'. This is the JsonConverters package which allows correct serialization and deserialization of OptionalTypes in Asp.Net Core and WebAPI.
This package includes Windows.Storage like APIs cross-platform such as: - ApplicationData for providing access to the application data store. - KnownFolders for providing access to common folder locations that contain user content. - StorageFile for providing information about a fi...
A C# api wrapper for QuickBooks
Gravity API core functionality, which can be hosted as a service on platforms like Console Application, ASP.NET Web API, Service Fabric Service, .NET Core application, WCF Selfhost, etc. FREE register at "" in order to be able to use Gravity API
Integrates StructureMap with the Graphite web framework.
API gateway middleware for Asp.Net Core
A library for developing plug-ins and extensions for AnyStatus
Official C# Wrapper for Dwolla's API v2
Provides a way to expose service information (e.g. software version and all the service dependencies versions).
Provides a way to seamlessly add NAME to a Asp.Net Core project.
Simple, lightweight, convention based web framework built on Web Api.
Node Hue API (node-hue-api) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
The main Downlink package including the controllers and infrastructure code