Top 20 NuGet api Packages

Perfectly designed UI for Feature Flags in ASP.NET Core Web API
Some much longer description goes here...
Basic set of extension methods String, Math, File and TabControl Commands
The SmtpLw (dedicated Locaweb SMTP) API client wrapper.
A .NET Library for using the API of the open university
Lightweight library for interfacing with Google's Image Chart API
Test Automation framework for UI, API and Mobile automation using C#, Restsharp and appium.
This package contains extension methods to the Tekla Structures Open Api assemblies i.e methods ModelObjectEnumerator.ToList(). This package contains pure source codes which are added to your project.
SimpleEncryption.NET is a simple C# API that allow you to Encrypt and Decrypt Files, Byte Array and String. It provide you many chiffer, some verry quick and some verry strong. From Ceasar to AES, it allow you to save some IV Key for encrypting one side and decrypting an other side.
Compare .NET assembly versions for differences
Wiz DotNet Core Multitenant API Template
xlw - Excel xlls made easy
xlw - Excel xlls made easy
Revit 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024 API x64 .NET assemblies. Includes these assemblies: AdWindows.dll RevitAPI.dll RevitAPIUI.dll RevitAddinUtility.dll UIFramework.dll UIFrameworkService.dll (Sets the references 'Copy Local' to False -Thanks !)
Revit 2017 Assembly List: AddInJournalClient.dll AdWindows.dll RevitAddInUtility.dll RevitAPI.dll RevitAPIIFC.dll RevitAPIUI.dll UIFramework.dll UIFrameworkServices.dll
Revit 2016 Assembly List: AddInJournalClient.dll AdWindows.dll RevitAddInUtility.dll RevitAPI.dll RevitAPIIFC.dll RevitAPIUI.dll UIFramework.dll UIFrameworkServices.dll
Perfectly designed UI for Feature Flags in ASP.NET Core Web API
Perfectly designed UI for Feature Flags in ASP.NET Core Web API
An test application for mocking APIs based on the configuration. For more help please visit