Top 20 NuGet amqp Packages

Qpid Proton is a high-performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be used in the widest range of messaging applications, including brokers, client libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton makes it trivial to integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment, o...
This project has the purpose to provide all the same APIs to access the Microsoft Azure Service Bus (Queues, Topics/Subscriptions, Event Hubs) you have on .Net Framework but also for .Net Micro Framework, .Net Compact Framework 3.9, Mono (on Linux) and WinRT (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) using AMQP p...
Simple and lightweight networking (including RPC) for Universal Windows Platform apps
This is a compact version of AMQP.Net Lite for .NET Micro Framework build for Eclo Solutions SIM800H IoT module.
Alternative rabbitmq client implementation for advanced usage
C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker.
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MS Sql Server
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MS Sql Server
Provides an implementation of the messaging gateway for decoupled invocation in the Paramore.Brighter pipeline, using azureservicebus
Amqp RPC (amqp-rpc) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Submit EasyNetQ message consumer errors to Exceptionless.
RabbitMQ.Async is a thin wrapper over the official RabbitMQ.Client library that provide integration with Microsoft TPL
Library for RabbitMQ management, consumption and workflow
KeyVault provider for Microsoft Azure ServiceBus attachment plugin
Amqp binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Azure Service Bus hosting infrastructure and startup logic for background applications.
Microsoft Azure ServiceBus plugin to emulate server-side exceptions
Fake RabbitMQ implementation written in .NET Standard. Based off of RabbitMQ.Fakes (
Injectable dependency for multithreaded RabbitMQ message consuming. Best used with NanoMessageBus.Sender package.
A simple .Net Message Broker. It provides a KISS abstraction of the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) such as used by RabbitMQ.