Top 20 NuGet abstraction Packages

Logging Abstractor is a library for .NET that allows you to swap out logging providers with ease.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Runtime: StringBuilder, WaitHandle, EventArgs.
Provides types used by all Thinktecture.*.Abstractions projects.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Text.Encoding: Encoding, Encoder, Decoder
A light abstraction around Dapper and Dapper.Contrib that also maintains the behavior IDbConnection. This library facilitates a loosely coupled design and unit testing.
Abstract base class for PostgreSQL repositories.
Azure service bus integration for DotNetCqs.
Command/Query abstraction library for .NET applications.
Azure service bus integration for DotNetCqs.
Tracing.NET provides basic logging/tracing infrastructure such as an abstracted logger interface ITracer as well as platform specific tracer implementations.
Provides interfaces for type in System.Runtime.Extensions: Path, BitConverter, Convert, Environment, Math, Random, UriBuilder, Stopwatch, WebUtility.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Runtime.Handles: SafeHandle, CriticalHandle, SafeWaitHandle.
NHibernate mapping using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and wrappers for tests and ORM switching.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Net.NetworkInformation: NetworkInterface, PhysicalAddress, IPAddressInformation, IPAddressInformationCollection, IPInterfaceProperties, IPInterfaceStatistics, IPv4InterfaceProperties, IPv6InterfaceProperties, UnicastIPAddressInformation, UnicastIPAddressInform...
Allows DotNetCqs to use containers based on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.
Logging Abstractor is a library for .NET that allows you to swap out logging providers with ease.
A MongoDB-based implementation of the NoSQL abstraction layer
This package provides easy file system abstraction and two implementations storing through azure blob storage or local disk. These implementations are interchangeable and you can easily switch between them in different environments.
nJupiter.Abstraction.Logging is an abstraction library which makes it easy to change between different logging frameworks in runtime. nJupiter.Abstraction.Logging currently have implementations for NLog, log4net (both the old and the new public key token) and Enterprise Library Logging Application B...
common interfaces(eg:IEntity)