Top 20 NuGet 8.1 Packages
Action Message Format for Windows Runtime is the reader and writer of AMF0 and AMF3.
The Lumia Imaging SDK makes some of the technologies that Microsoft uses in its own imaging applications available to developers. It is a productive library for manipulating image data captured and stored by mobile devices in an efficient way. The features include decoding and encoding JPEG images, ...
Port from the Phone 8 ShakeGestureLibrary for Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime
Incremental Loading with ObservableCollection and ObservableList for Windows 8.1 and Windows phone 8.1 (Runtime apps only)
Flipview with ISupportincrementalLoading implementation to do Incremental data Loading/LazyLoading for Windows 8.1 and Windows phone 8.1 (Runtime apps)
.Net implementation of CastV2 Protocol for Windows Phone 8.1
XmlReader has the functionality of providing the output as the list of InnerText i.e. the data which is specified in between the nodes.
//usage snippet
var myobj=new AppRating( );
myobj.CheckUser( );